I'm going to be relaunching my blog in the new year with more regular updates focusing more on vegan food and my job, so I thought I would ease myself back in by starting 'What I Ate Wednesday'.
For breakfast, I had a big bowl of porridge made with almond milk, cacao and cinnamon. I topped it with banana, frozen blueberries and mixed seeds. I also drank half a litre of water with lemon and my favourite Juice Warrior drink.
I ended up going out to do some shopping at lunch, so stopped by Henderson's to pick up something to eat. I went for a vegan pesto roll and a chocolate brownie made with sweet potato.
I'm going out straight from work tonight to see my first pantomime of the year, so I'm probably not going to have time to a) eat much dinner or b) blog what I do eat. I guess you're going to imagine that I picked up something quickly to eat and it probably tasted good.
I had a couple of snacks throughout the day including a packet of skips, two tangerines and a couple of Oreos which I didn't take a photo of.
But yeah, that's my first step back into regular food blogging on a Wednesday. I feel like it started off well, but went a little downhill because I know I probably won't have time for a proper dinner. I guess there's always tomorrow to try eat three proper meals.
For breakfast, I had a big bowl of porridge made with almond milk, cacao and cinnamon. I topped it with banana, frozen blueberries and mixed seeds. I also drank half a litre of water with lemon and my favourite Juice Warrior drink.
I'm going out straight from work tonight to see my first pantomime of the year, so I'm probably not going to have time to a) eat much dinner or b) blog what I do eat. I guess you're going to imagine that I picked up something quickly to eat and it probably tasted good.
But yeah, that's my first step back into regular food blogging on a Wednesday. I feel like it started off well, but went a little downhill because I know I probably won't have time for a proper dinner. I guess there's always tomorrow to try eat three proper meals.
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