What I Ate Wednesday - Week 2

Wednesday, 13 January 2016
It's time for another What I Ate Wednesday post. I've become a little obsessed with watching these videos on YouTube lately, and I think I have watched all Bonny Rebecca's videos in the past week. If you haven't seen any of her videos before, then you can check them out here. She's really inspiring me to improve my diet at the moment and include a lot more fresh fruit and vegetables, instead of opting for the vegan processed food options.

I had a banana before I went to the gym, and then came home and made my actual breakfast. I had oats made with almond milk and cinnamon which I topped with raspberries, apple, sultanas, mixed seeds and a little bit of agave syrup.

I picked up a wholemeal loaf of bread on my way home from the gym this morning for lunch. I had
a couple of slices toasted with organic sundried tomato tapenade, avocado and garlic salt. And then I ate about a third of a watermelon chopped up.
i had a really simple dinner tonight of baked sweet potatoes topped with houmous on top of some spinach, lettuce and cucumber.
I didn't really snack much throughout the day, but I did have a slice of the lemon and coconut birthday cake my mum made me.

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