Mamma Mia! Here I Go Again.

Thursday, 1 December 2016
So I've officially joined the dark side and moved back into the crazy world of reviewing. I started reviewing music gigs for my local newspaper, The Falkirk Herald, when I was 16 and spent all my time at university reviewing gigs for various websites and small publications. I even did a stint reviewing Edinburgh Festival Fringe shows for ThreeWeeks during one summer break.

However, it's been a good few years since I put on my reviewing hat. It was much easier when I lived in Glasgow because there were usually a handful of great shows on every night but I struggle to find a handful of shows I want to see in Edinburgh in a month. I also couldn't really review any theatre since I was working as the Press Officer of the biggest theatre in the country.

Things are different now though because I'm in a brand new job which has nothing to do with the arts. So last night, I returned to the Edinburgh Playhouse to review MAMMA MIA! for the Southside Advertiser. I worked alongside the publication for years, so it was really nice to be asked to start writing for them.

You can read the review here.

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