Bleach London - Washed Up Mermaid

Sunday, 3 November 2013
I decided it was time to try out another Bleach London colour, and this time I opted for Washed Up Mermaid! I think I need another layer to make the colour a bit darker, but for now I have nice light blue/green coloured tips! I'm also pretty sure, I'm going to end up working my way through all the Bleach London colours before the year is out! (Note: I also like to wear my Minnie Mouse ears while I'm enjoying a lazy Sunday) 

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  • Bleach London - Washed Up Mermaid I decided it was time to try out another Bleach London colour, and this time I opted for Washed Up Mermaid! I think I need another layer to make the colour a bit darker, but for n… Read More
10 comments on "Bleach London - Washed Up Mermaid"
  1. Looks so cute on you, I tried the rose one and I didn't suit it

  2. Thanks :) I need to put more dye on though, so it's a bit darker. x

  3. I've always wanted to experiment with dying the tips of my hair. My hair is really dark though so dyes tend not to show up haha.

    1. I had to bleach the bottom of my hair first cause i have naturally dark hair, but Bleach London do a great bleaching kit too. Plus, the dye is only temporary, so it'll wash out if you decide you don't like it. x

  4. lovely,, and cute pic:)

  5. Thanks :) You should try them, the bottles are only £5 and it would last long enough to use a few times. x

  6. Looks lovely! Really suits you too! :)
    Love From Sammie xx

    1. Thanks, i'm really pleased with how it turned out. x
