Dear Copenhagen

Thursday 22 December 2016

Dear Copenhagen,

Thank you for such an amazing trip. You were the weekend away that was very much needed not only for myself, but the three incredible people I travelled with.

It's hard to pick out just one favourite moment from our holiday. I think we were all in awe from the moment we arrived at our loving and warm Danish cottage. We fell in love with Paper Island on the first night over giant jars of mojitos and amazing food. I never ever expected to find a stall just selling vegan pizza! I don't think any of us remember much after we left Paper Island, but it was hilarious to find the videos the following night which explained what happened on the way home.

Tivoli has become my new favourite theme park with all its glittering fairy lights and Christmas trees lining the paths. I don't think I could ever go on that big rollercoaster again though, but I felt pretty brave going on something that went upside down for the first time in my life.

I loved walking about the Christmas market, visiting the Carlsberg factory, and thinking about how I can change my flat around now I'm home so it's more Danish.

Until next time,

Sarah x

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