Thursday, 4 September 2014

A friend of mine left a comment on my Facebook saying after the whole Moyesy thing, he wasn’t surprised that my latest blog post went viral. Well I was VERY surprised. I don’t expect anyone to really read anything I write, nevermind the numbers that have read this post. 
When I posted a blog about body image a few weeks ago, I ended up getting some lovely messages from people about what I wrote. A couple of people even said it was beautifully written, which was one of the nicest things anyone has ever said about it. The post was more personal than anything I’ve written before, so I decided not to submit it to Huffington Post. Instead, I just posted it on here and again thought no one would notice it.
I decided I wanted to submit the Independence blog though as it's the most talked about subject in Scotland just now. I thought it might get a couple of comments at the most, but even then I thought I was being  little too optimistic. At the moment, it’s sitting there with just over 300 comments. What’s even more insane than that is it’s been shared 80 times on Facebook and been liked 1.3K times (now 1.7K likes but updating the photo might be a step too far).. If I’d thought for one second that it was going to attract this much attention, then I probably would have checked it a lot more for spelling and grammar. I might have also taken more time to write it, but I find I write best when I write as quickly as I can.

It’s also the second time a blog of mine has been one of the featured blogs on the homepage of the Huffington Post website this year. I don’t even know how to begin to get my head around that. If you're one of the people who read/commented/shared/like it then all I have to say is THANK YOU. 

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