What's Been Happening?!

Sunday, 2 August 2015
I told myself at the start of the year I would blog more, but it's not really happened as much as I would like. I guess you could say that life has got in the way a bit, and I've found it increasingly hard just to sit down and write. So consider this my life update, and hopefully I'll get back to regular blogging soon.

Work has been really busy at the moment as our annual Stage Experience production was on this weekend. Stage Experience is a programme which brings local kids together to put on a production of a well known show, and this year that show was Into The Woods. A small group of the kids were also lucky enough to sing with Lionel Richie at Edinburgh Castle, so I got a lot coverage for that including The Fountainbridge Show on STV Edinburgh and the front cover of the Edinburgh Evening News.

So with Stage Experience over for another year, it's almost time for the Fringe mayhem to begin. We've got 12 shows on at The Playhouse which is strange considering I used to work on 40 shows a day at The Stand, but it does mean I have more time to go out and see shows. I've made a list of what I want to see, so now I just need to book some tickets and let the madness of August begin.

On a more personal note, I guess you could say that I've had a pretty tough couple of weeks. There's nothing quite like a broken heart to make time stand still and your world feel like it's falling apart right in front of you. Luckily I have some great friends to take me out and distract me from it all, and also not judge me when they find me crying in public toilet when I ran into him unexpectedly. I have written a full post about it all which I'm still gearing myself up to to press publish on.

The only other thing that's happened is that me and my sister got matching dinosaur tattoos. We figured these guys were better than a massive 'I heart my sister' one.

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