Blogmas Day 24: Blogmas Fail

Wednesday, 23 December 2015
So I guess it's safe to say I completely failed at Blogmas. I got off to such a good start, and was posting everything day, but then I got sick. I caught a cold and was feeling miserable so didn't blog much, and then I was completely floored by the flu. I'm convinced it was because this was the first year in 5 years that I've had the flu jag. I wasn't going to get it, but one of my favourite journalists kept telling me i should do it, so I did. I woke up last Wednesday feeling achy and sore all over, but I figured it was down to the fact I hadn't been sleeping. By lunch, I was sitting beside a heater shivering and my legs were agony. I got sent home meaning I missed the pink carpet we rolled out for Priscilla.

i spent the next few days in bed. You know you're really unwell when you barely walk from bed to the sofa, and low and cry because no matter how many pills you take, you're head is still sore.

So fast forward a few days and I'm back at work, but still not feeling 100%. I've been out once socially in over a week and I forgot to take any photos, so I don't have much else to say.

I plan to relaunch this blog in the new year with lots of regular updates. We've got some great shows coming to the Edinburgh Playhouse which means there's lots of exciting press plans to talk about. I also want to blog more about my plant-based diet to encourage me to eat well all the time. And next year is my last year before I'm 30, so it's time to plan some fun adventures starting with jumping out a plane. 

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