New Year, New Start.

Thursday, 2 January 2014

1. I've been vegetarian for around 14 years now, but I've taken the decision to become vegan. I started replacing dairy products with vegan ones a couple of weeks ago, but i think it's going to take a while for me to get used the fact i can't eat as many chocolate bars as i once did.

2. I usually try to read more than i ever manage, so this year i'm not going to set an actual goal. I just want to continue to read a variety of books, preferably ones that don't make me cry.

3. If i'm not someones first choice, then i'm not going to settle for second best. I found myself in situations last year, involving people already in relationships who would tell me things they shouldn't. I guess this is the year i don't want to be caught up in that.

4. The first thing i plan to do (well, when the weather is nice enough) is jump out a plane. I nearly did it last year, and then chickened out. I'm also going to give all the money to CLIC Sargent, which i'm hoping will stop me from backing out this time.

5. I was lucky enough to visit LA, San Francisco and New York last year. And this year i want to go back to America, and also see Iceland for the first time. I'd also like to lie on a beach somewhere sunny for a week.

6. I am one of the most self conscious people in the world, but this year is brought to you by C for confident.

7. It's pretty straight forward. I really just want fill the year with new experiences and keep my mind open.

8. Life is way too short. I want to make sure i fill this year with memories with some of my favourite people on the planet.

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