Monday, 18 August 2014
The third week of the Fringe was considerably quieter than the first two. I had to go back to work, so that alone took away a lot of my availability to see shows.
On Tuesday, The Edinburgh Playhouse hosted the launch of a new comedian photography exhibition. It’s a series of black and white portraits of the comics by Matt Crockett including people like Tony Law, Vic Reeves, Harry Hill, Josh Widdicombe and Matt Lucas. I was meant to be running the launch, but by the time I got to work I had pretty full on stomach cramps and was feeling sick, so I was back on the next train home for a day spent lying in bed.

I was back at work and feeling 100 times better on Wednesday, so I was there for the girls afternoon out to see The Other Guys. I say afternoon out, but we really just walked down a set of stairs and watched them in The Boards. The Other Guys are this great all male a cappella group from St Andrews, who known for their music parody songs like this one - 

On Friday, The Playhouse team got to leave the office at 4pm to begin a night out of Fringe fun. We headed to the the Crowne Plaza to celebrate their 1st birthday with drinks and food for everyone who could eat it. Then it was Basement for more drinks and some food I could eat, before we headed back to The Boards to see Miss Hope Springs. 

On Saturday, I managed to fit in my 3rd show of the week which was A Split Decision at Assembly Rooms. It's a really good show, and it was nice to catch up with some of comedians from The Stand and some fellow ex-employees. I spent Saturday night at Summerhall celebrating Alan's birthday with his Buffer friends and some other guys from The Playhouse, before spending most of Sunday lying around and hanging with my family.

This week I'm going to see BJ NOVAK!!!!! I also need to squeeze in some other shows, try karaoke for the first time, have a few nights out and try to spend as little money as possible. 

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