What A Wicked Week It's Been!

Sunday, 23 November 2014
It's finally happened. Wicked has arrived in Edinburgh. I figured with that in mind, I should try do a post about what actually goes on the average week of a Press Officer. I say average, but I've never actually had a week like this before. And if I'm honest, I don't know when I'll have a week quite like this again. 

Wednesday night was opening night, and we decided to turn the area around the venue into our own little Emerald City. 

So with opening night out of the way, it was time to focus on Thursday's press night. The day started really well when we discovered the photocall from the day before had made lots of the papers, including some nationals and the front of the Edinburgh Evening News. 

The press night itself was the usual type of thing, just on a much bigger scale than I'm used to. We ended up with around 80 press and celeb guests, so we had a lot of tickets to give out and lots of journalists to meet. It was also a good chance to catch up with some people I haven't seen in a while too. 

I only managed to see the last 15 minutes of the show while we were waiting with the photographer to do the curtain call photos. I missed 'Defying Gravity' earlier in the night, but i got to see 'For Good' and I think that might actually be my favourite song of the show. After the show, it was straight backstage to do some photos with Susan Boyle for the Friday's edition of the Edinburgh Evening News. 

Once the photos were done, it was straight up to the Assembly Rooms on George Street for the after show party. 
Most of the night was spent making sure all the cast photos were taken when they arrived. We did manage to get good photo of the old/new press and marketing department and then stop just before midnight to celebrate Pam's birthday. I ended up leaving the party at 1am, which is pretty early by my usual standards, to catch up on sleep ahead of Friday's Wicked meeting and STV coming to film for the News at Six.

(Me, Pam, Alan, Audrey, Sam and Catherine)

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