Radio Forth Awards

Tuesday, 24 November 2015
In 2004, I remember going to the Radio Forth Awards in Edinburgh. It was a much smaller event back then, and I was only there to help out with some of the charity aspects of the day. I was also only 17 at the time, and never thought I'd be back there 11 years later as a guest on my own table. 

This year's event started with a fantastic three course meal. I'm always sceptical about what the vegan option will be at events like this, since I've been served fruit salad as a starter and dessert at several before. It's almost like people think you won't notice if they serve the same dish on a different plate.

I forgot to take a photo of the starter which was a roasted vegetable and pastry dish, but I did get a photos of my other courses. The main course was a stuffed mushroom served with potatoes and roasted vegetables. It was really nice, even though I don't like anything to do with mushrooms, so that was left in the middle of the plate.

For dessert, I got a some kind of jelly, fruit, and cream dish which not only looked like the dessert everyone else was eating, but it was the first time I've not been served a fruit salad at an event like this.

The awards were presented by Arlene Stewart and Grant Stott, and given out to local people who have done great things and those in the entertainment industry. The Edinburgh Playhouse sponsors the Icon Award which this year went to Travis. We also managed to spot our front cover photo from my Priscilla photocall on the big screen at one point during the show.

And here's a Playhouse team photo from the end of the event when we're all still look relatively fresh!

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