Eating Out Vegan Style: Wholefoods Food Haul

Sunday, 31 January 2016
I'm still working on some other posts about life, but I wanted to try and get back into the swing of posting every Sunday, so I have a little food haul post below.

I went to Wholefoods on Saturday to see if I could find some nice vegan food. It's a bit of a trek from Edinburgh, but it was worth it to get hold of some good things to eat that I can't always find in Edinburgh.

I found a few things I'd eaten before like the Tofurky slices and the Fry Family nuggets, but most of the things I bought were new. I got a little too excited about finding frozen acai for my smoothies, and I also found my favourite nut butter too. The only thing I couldn't find was purple sweet potatoes which I thought I might have been able to find.

I stupidly forgot to take a picture of my lunch which was a roasted vegetable Turkish flatbread and Ms Cupcake cupcakes. The food counters alone are worth a trip to Wholefoods, and there's some many vegan options on offer.

So yeah, that's my little food haul while I focus on some other writing which I'll be posting soon.

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