What I Ate Wednesday - Week 5

Wednesday, 3 February 2016
I'm back with my regular What I Ate Wednesday posts. I took last week off because life happens and I was emotionally not really eating much food at all, but I've been at the gym every day, so I need to be eating enough to fuel myself.

Can you tell that I love my new Nutribullet? This was just spinach, frozen pineapple and mango, banana and water. It's my favourite combination, and one that I'm having most days right now.
Breakfast is my favourite meal of the day. If I could eat breakfast food for every meal then I would, which is why I had this for my lunch. It's cinnamon oats made with almond milk, and topped with banana, raspberries, frozen blueberries, seeds, and coconut and almond butter.
The lights in my house aren't that bright at night which is why my dinner photos always look so dull. I picked up a quinoa and sweet potato cake in Wholefoods and had it with potatoes, salad and sweetcorn. And yes, I did take a bite of it before I took the photo.
I got to try Jackfruit for the first time last week, so I ate this whole tin. I've not been able to find any fresh jackfruit in Edinburgh yet, but this will do for now. I also had two of these chocolate and coconut energy balls.

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2 comments on "What I Ate Wednesday - Week 5"
  1. That smoothie/juice looks really tasty!!!!

    1. Thanks. I'm really getting into green smoothies just now, and that's my favourite one to make.
