Eating Out - Las Iguanas

Sunday, 7 February 2016
Okay, so technically Las Iguanas isn't a vegan or even vegetarian restaurant, but they do a specific menu for those of us who don't eat meat. There's nine vegetarian main courses on the menu, and five of them can be adapted so they are suitable for vegans. There's also a wide range of starters and side dishes, and there's puddings on the menu too.

I chose the Chilli Con Verduras which was made with sweet potato, butternut squash and chickpeas with spiced tomatoes, spring onion rice, and pink pickled onion. It's usually served with sourced crème and tortillas, but the dish becomes vegan if they miss them out.

Since they had desserts on the menu that I could eat which is practically unheard of at a restaurant that's not primarily vegan, I had to have one. I went for the Tembleque which was a creamy coconut pudding with mixed berries and mango puree. I think I managed to finish it within about 10 seconds because it was that good.

The restaurant also had some great cocktails, some of which were only £3.90. So if you're vegan and going out for food with non-vegan friends, then Las Iguanas is definitely a good shout for somewhere to eat.

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