What I Ate Wednesday - Week 6

Wednesday, 10 February 2016
It's Wednesday which means there's only one kind of post I'll be doing today.

I thinking about doing Raw Till 4 this summer, but since it's still freezing in Scotland just now, I really need a warm breakfast. I had my usual cinnamon oats made with almond milk and topped with fruit, seeds and coconut and almond butter. I also made myself a smoothie with just frozen mangos and banana.
I didn't take any photos of my lunch because I completely forgot until after I had eaten it, but I just had a bagel with hummus, 2 bananas and then some of this delicious popcorn that I got in my new SourcedBox. If you're intetested, then I'll be posting a review of the box up at the weekend.
For dinner I had coconut rice with Sriracha, vegetable spring rolls and some veg. I also had a can of my favourite lemonade. I used to be a HUGE Irn Bru fan, but I've pretty much cut it out since I started drinking around 3 litres of water a day instead. I do still like the odd can of lemonade, but it's no where near as much fizzy juice as I drank before.
I only discovered medjool dates a couple of weeks ago. I'd know about them for years, but always assumed I wouldn't like them. Well I couldn't have been more wrong because they have become one of my favourite foods to snack on. I also just put some bananas in the freezer, so I'll be making some ice cream once they've frozen.

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