
Saturday, 13 February 2016
I had planned to publish a bigger post this week about some of the things that have been going on during the past few months. It was about someone who for the past two years has messed me around at every given opportunity, but everything came to a head a little while ago when he did it for the last time. I think even worse than him breaking my heart last summer, was the fact that he just kept chipping away at my confidence even when there was barely any left to chip at.

I guess I wanted to post my side of the story because I hated the fact that no one knew what had really went on. While I've avoided the comedy club we both worked in like the plague since last summer, he's continued to hang out with everyone and not had to watch from the side-lines. I've missed so many shows and comedians I've wanted to see, and let some friendship slip away because I was simply not around to see people.

Earlier this week, I caught up with some of the people from the club, and they were quick to inform me that I'm not the only one who he's hurt recently. There's a few people there who are really upset by his actions, and those who haven't been hurt are sticking with those who have. I didn't realise that everyone had noticed how much his behaviour had affected people, and how people's opinions on him had dramatically changed. I don't want to speak for other people, but hearing how angry they are at him was really surprising. Sure all my friends hate him, but I didn't realise everyone has been caught on too.

I guess I just finally feel this weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I can start to hang out there again with people who I haven't seen in months. In fact, I've already made plans to go and watch a couple of shows next week. And in the spirit of hanging out in place I've been avoiding, I've also joined a climbing club. I had a couple of really good climbing sessions last year, but it was easier to avoid the climbing centre so I wouldn't need to see him there.

Maybe one day I will publish the full version of events, but for now it feels like karma is finally coming around, and that's enough for me.

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