Happy New Year!

Sunday, 3 January 2016
It's that time of year again when I make my New Year resolutions. This year is a bit of a big year because it's my last year before I turn 30, which I may or may not be in compete denial about. So in the spirit of starting fresh, I've listed a few things that I want to work on this year.

1. Positive Thinking
This is probably the one that I will struggle with the most because I general worry and overthink EVERY single situation. I also found my anxiety reached some new levels last year, and that's something I want to try and attempt to get under control a bit more. I know some of the things that trigger it, so I feel like I'm halfway there, but it's still something I really need to work on. I find that exercise helps to clear my mind which leads me onto the next point.

2. Get Fit
I joined the gym in October, but I haven't really been going on a regular basis. Sure there's been some 7am classes and lunch time workouts on the rowing machine, but then there has been weeks where I haven't went at all. So yeah, the plan is to go at least 3 times a week starting tomorrow.

3. Eat Cleaner
I feel a lot healthier than I did a few years ago, even though a lot of people still seem to think I'm not getting enough nutrients by following a vegan diet. Most of the time, I eat over 5 pieces of fruit and veg a day, but that only works if I really plan what I'm eating. If there's no plan, then it's easy to slip into eating junk food again.

4. Write More
I've decided to give blogging a proper shot this year. I go through stages where I write all the time, and other times I don't upload for weeks. The plan is to focus my blog more on my plant-based diet, restaurant reviews, my work at the Edinburgh Playhouse, and general adventures. I figured I would start with two posts a week, as well as monthly blogs on Huffington Post. If I can stick to it for a month or two, then I'll try increase the number of posts I'm writing.

5. Read More
I always set myself unrealistic reading goals which usually give up on after a few months. So this year, I'm just going to try and read more without trying to get through a certain number of books. I've already read one book this year though, so at least this resolution is off to a good start.

6. ???
I've also made a couple of private resolutions that I might share in time, but for now are between me and my journal. There's something things that I've found really dragged me down last year, and it's time to erase those parts out my life for good.

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