SourcedBox - January Box

Sunday, 17 January 2016

My very first SourcedBox arrived at my work on Tuesday, and look what great snacks were inside.

SourcedBox is a brand new healthy snack delivery service by Marcus Butler and Niomi Smart. I've been watching their YouTube videos for a while now, especially those by Niomi since she also follows a vegan diet. I'm also constantly looking for new healthy snacks to try since it's not like I can just walk into any food shop and pick up things I can eat.

The monthly box contains 12 individual snacks and comes with a menu describing each one. There were only two products I had tried before (Rude Health Rice Thins and Ombar Milk Chocolate Buttons) which meant I got to try lots of things for the first time.

My favourite item in the box is the Pip & Nut Coconut and Almond Butter which I've been eating on my oats for breakfast all week. I've been trying to find a nut butter that I like for months now, so it was good finally find one that I want to eat. They also sell it in my gym which means I can go and buy a big tub of it next week.

I also loved the The Giving Tree Broccoli Crisps that actually look like tiny broccoli florets and the Science Kitchen Pizza Seed Toasts that taste just like pizza. The Pulsin' Maca Bliss Raw Choc Brownie made a great alterative to chocolate and cakes, and I liked being able to finally try a Naturally Sassy product as one of her flapjacks was also in the box.

I didn't want to eat the whole box within a week, so I've still to try the LoveRaw Rosehip and Lemon Bar, Rebel Kitchen Chocolate Mylk, Bluebird Tea Co Dozy Girl Tea, Wyldsson Organic Persian Mulberry Promix, and the Snact Fruit Jerky.

For £18.95 a month, SourcedBox is completely worth the money if you want to try some new healthy snacks on the market. If you're interested and want to find out more, then you can visit the website here.

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1 comment on "SourcedBox - January Box"
  1. Hi Sarah, Love reading your post, have you ever tried any loose tea for The Kent and Sussex Tea and Coffee Company, they have a huge selection, I am also a vegan flavoured teas are perfect for me, you must try some
