The Vegan Life: Sweet Treats

Wednesday, 22 January 2014
There are some days in the life of a girl (I still thinking calling myself a woman makes me seem too old) when she just needs something sweet. It could be that time of the month, or maybe she's had her heart broken. Whatever the reason is, i found myself doing a big haul of vegan chocolate, cakes, and biscuits this afternoon.

1. Lazy Day Foods Millionaire's Shortbread - This is the best vegan millionaire's shortbread I've come across so far. It tastes exactly like normal shortbread should, and i could easily eat the whole box in one sitting. I also noticed that Dobbie's Garden Centre was selling Lazy Day Foods in the cafe, which was great considering that it was the only vegan cake in the place. I've also tried the Belgian Dark Chocolate Tiffin, and that was just as tasty.

2. Biona Organic Jelly Dinos - It's jelly in the shape of a dinosaur, i don't know how it could ever be any better. I didn't even realise that Biona did sweets until i had to start searching for vegan alternatives to haribo, but it turns out they do, and they taste REALLY good!

3. Raw Chocolate Pie - Festive Pie - This is the second kind of Raw Chocolate Pie I've tasted, and it's my favourite one yet. They're raw so full of anti-oxidants and magnesium, so a lot better for you than normal chocolate is. They keep for six months in the fridge, although you'll probably eat it within a couple of days.

4. Rawr After Dinner Chocolate - It tastes just like After Eight mints, but it's so much better for you. I've already eaten half the bar since i got home a couple of hours ago. If you haven't tasted raw chocolate before, then this is the best place to start.

5. Conscious Raw Chocolate - Goji & Coconut - This was my first ever conscious chocolate bar, and it's delicious. It's got a soft truffle like texture, and it's contains two of my favourite things in the whole world. They do a whole range of bars with everything from chili to cherry to orange.

6. Lucy's Oatmeal Cookie - These cookies are free from gluten, milk, eggs, peanuts and almonds. They definitely don't taste like a normal cookie would, but they're still really tasty. They were developed by the mum of a child with severe allergies, so they used strict controls to ensure that no nuts go anyway near the factory. So i guess it's a great cookie for an even better cause.

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  • The Vegan Life: Sweet Treats There are some days in the life of a girl (I still thinking calling myself a woman makes me seem too old) when she just needs something sweet. It could be that time of the month… Read More
2 comments on "The Vegan Life: Sweet Treats"
  1. I want to try those Jelly Dinos!! X

    1. I'm actually sitting work eating some right now, and they're really tasty! x
