Vegan Super Bowl Sunday!

Sunday, 19 January 2014

I'm not entirely sure what has happened to the girl that used to want to eat pizza for every dinner. She's seems to have been replaced by some stranger who actually enjoys eating lots of veg, hence the creation of the Vegan Super Bowl. 

There's humous, crackers, quinoa, carrot, and roasted chickpeas, humous and sweet peppers. I also added a cup of kale which has more iron that than steak you've eaten today, and more calcium per calorie than milk. 

Now all i have to do is resist the bag of vegan cola bottles in my kitchen, and today will have been a healthy success!

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  • Vegan Super Bowl Sunday! I'm not entirely sure what has happened to the girl that used to want to eat pizza for every dinner. She's seems to have been replaced by some stranger who actually enjoys eatin… Read More
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