Classic Waffles

Monday, 30 June 2014

Most people seemed pretty surprised when I got a waffle maker for my birthday back in January, but it turns out there's plenty of ways to make waffles without using any animal products. I ran out of sugar when i made these, so ended up using agave syrup instead and it ended up making them a lot fluffier than usual. 

This is the recipe I use to make classic waffles, but you can easily add coconut or frozen blueberries to the mixture to make it a bit different.

1 cup organic flour
1 1/4 tsp baking powder
1  tbsp egg replacer
1 cup coconut milk
2  tbsp agave syrup
3 tbsp melted vegan margarine
A pinch of salt
3 tbsp vegan cream cheese
2 tbsp icing sugar

1. Preheat the waffle maker

2. Mix the vegan soft cheese and icing sugar together until smooth.

3 In a bowl mix the flour, agave syrup, salt, egg replacer and baking powder together.

4. Whisk in the coconut milk.

5. Melt the butter in a pan and whisk into the mixture.

6. Pour the mixture into the waffle maker for two minutes.

7. Remove and add toppings! I personally think cream cheese is the best with some frozen blueberries, fresh berries and chia seeds.


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