London Times!

Saturday, 26 July 2014
On Monday, I headed down to London with Jenn for a few days of musicals, drinks, sun and adventures.

I was looking to try as many new vegan places as possible, so we went to Vitao on Oxford Street to get some dinner. It was really small place with a choice of organic juices, salads and hot dishes. I ended up with a bit of everything includes noodles, broccoli and a tomato and chickpea tagine.

The best of all though was the selection of raw cakes and cookies they had. I opted for a coconut apple tart and Jenn picked some chocolate cake.

After we ate it was time to go see Billy Elliot. It was never a musical that was high up my list of things I wanted to see, but going on a recommendation from someone at the Edinburgh Playhouse, I figured it had to be good. It wasn't just good though, it was one of the best musicals I've ever seen. If you've not seen it yet, then I really recommend it. The dancing was fantastic, and some parts were a lot darker and emotional than I ever really expected it to be. I'm just hoping it goes on tour soon so it come up to Edinburgh. 

We decided to go experience some culture on Tuesday with a trip to the British Museum. Obviously the first stop inside was the gift shop, and then we just spent a couple of hours walking around all the exhibitions. 

We spent Tuesday afternoon watching Jersey Boys. I managed to get us a couple of complimentary tickets through work as the show is coming up to the Edinburgh Playhouse in October. Our seats ended up being just a few rows from the front, so we really couldn't have asked for a better place to watch the show. The story of Frankie Valli isn't one that i really knew, but with songs that are instantly recognisable it was a great show. 

After Jersey Boys it was time to go to the IceBar for the first time. For someone who is cold all the time, i found it freezing even with the giant cape and gloves on. Still, it was one of the best bars I've ever been too, especially since they served you cocktails in giant ice cubes.

We had a few hours on Wednesday before the train ride home. It was just enough time to go to the British Library and have a walk around Camden.

I took Jenn to my favourite Brazilian bar for cocktails, and then we obviously had to make a stop by the best vegan bakery I've come across called Cookies and Scream. I've been there four times this year already, but this was the first time I tried an ice cream sandwich and it was definitely worth the wait.

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