Blogmas Day 6 - Vegan Christmas Sweets

Sunday, 6 December 2015
This Christmas will only be my second since I started following a plant based diet, so I'm still getting used to not being able to eat my way through boxes of Celebrations and bags of chocolate coins in December. Luckily, there's lots of vegan friendly chocolate out there to stuff your face with this festive season, and I've picked out my top 5 for you to have a look at.

1. Booja Booja

I got a box of these as a present when I was leaving my old job, and they were some of the best truffles I've ever tasted. I'm not really a big fan of the ginger or expresso ones, but all the other ones are delicious, especially the champagne ones.

2. Hotel Chocolat 

Hotel Chocolat do a range of dark chocolates which are suitable for vegans, but this is one of the more exciting in the range. It's their chocolate & cranberry slab and it's only £3.95.

3. Moo Free Chocolate

Moo Free chocolate is probably the brand of vegan chocolate I eat the most, especially since there's a shop across from my work that sells it. They also make one of the only selection boxes I've come across.

4. Rudolph's Round Up

Round Ups are vegan wagon wheels that taste so much better than original wagon wheels. I only had one for the first time last month, but I managed to pick up a few at Vegfest Scotland today (I'll do a vegan haul in the next post) to last me through Christmas.

5. Caramel Choices

I got these in an Easter Egg this year, and they filled the void left behind the fact I can no longer eat a Cadbury's Caramel. Trust me, they taste just as good!

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