What I Ate Wednesday (RawTill4) - Week 11

Wednesday, 23 March 2016
I've decided to try and include a few RawTill4 days into my diet from now on. It's not something I ever thought I would want to do, but I've been watching a lot of Brianna Jackfruitson and Raw Alignment  videos on YouTube recently, and they've inspired me to give it a go. I don't want it to become something I stick to religiously because I love cooked food and I enjoy eating out in vegan restaurants. However I am pretty amazed how great I've felt the past few days eating a predominately raw diet until dinner.

To start the day of I had two large oranges as a pre-breakfast before I went out and did a big fruit shop. When I got back, I made juice from half a watermelon, coconut water and lime.

For lunch, I had a massive salad made up of lettuce, spinach, avacado, pepper, cucumber noodles and sundried tomatoes. Then I had a packet of strawberries with some banana ice cream as an afternoon snack.

I made some zucchini noodles for dinner with pesto and some vegan parmesan. I don't think I've ever actually eaten normal parmesan cheese, but this vegan one from violife is amazing. It's by far the best vegan cheese I've ever tasted. I also made some spicy potato wedges to go with the noodles.

My dinner filled me up, so all I had in the evening was I bag of my favourite popcorn. 

 So yeah, this was how my first RawTill4 day went. If it's not something you've ever done, then I would challenge you to try it. It's surprising how good you feel after only a couple of days.

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