What I Ate Wednesday - Week 8

Tuesday, 1 March 2016
I'm in London all day today for work, so I took photos of all the food I ate last Sunday for you.

I made a big bowl of nana ice cream for breakfast. If you haven't made ice cream with bananas before, then you need to try it. I just blended 4 frozen bananas with some almond milk and raw cacao powder. It tasted just like chocolate ice cream and it's so much healthier than the ice cream we're brought up eating. I topped it with raspberries, coconut and some Sweet Freedom liquid chocolate. I also had a cinnamon bagel later on in the morning, but I forgot to take a photo of it.

For lunch, I had some toasted wholemeal bread with sundried tomato tapenade, avocado and garlic salt. I also had some raw chocolate protein balls that I made with my mum last week. We used walnuts, coconut, cacao and dates to make a big batch so we wouldn't eat chocolate and sweets.

I hate how bad the light in my kitchen gets at night when I try to take photos. My dinner was some Linda McCartney sausages, crushed potatoes, corn on the cob and lots of green vegetables. It was pretty simple, but really tasty.

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